*Support Napa County Landmarks: Building a Legacy Campaign*
For over 50 years, Napa County Landmarks has been at the forefront of preserving and protecting the rich architectural heritage of Napa Valley. Your contribution to our Building a Legacy Campaign directly supports our efforts to provide public education, launch innovative outreach programs, and advocate for policies that safeguard the historic structures that define our region.
One of our proudest achievements is the preservation of the First National Bank building in downtown Napa. Thirty years ago, this landmark was at risk of demolition, but with the support of our community, we saved it. Today, it stands as a shining example of historic preservation—a vibrant restaurant space and a testament to the power of restoration and reuse.
Your donation helps us carry this mission forward. Every gift strengthens our ability to protect Napa’s historic treasures, foster a deeper connection to our shared past, and inspire future generations to value and preserve these remarkable places. Together, we can ensure that the architectural legacy of Napa Valley remains a vital part of our community’s story.
Donate today and join us in building a legacy for the future.
Donating is easy! You can give online, set up a convenient monthly donation, or mail a check to Napa County Landmarks at PO Box 267, Napa, CA 94559. Click here to donate now.