
Support Napa County Landmarks
Elevate our region's rich history by becoming a cherished member of Napa County Landmarks or making a generous donation today. As a non-profit, we thrive on the passion and contributions of individuals like you! Your financial support enables us to achieve our mission of preserving the architectural and cultural gems in our communities. Don't miss this chance to make a lasting impact—donate now and be a part of something extraordinary!

Donate to NCL

By donating to Napa County Landmarks you’re helping our organization celebrate and steward our shared heritage through public education and historic preservation advocacy. For donations larger than $1,000, or if you are interested in the benefits of an Annual or Program Sponsorship, please contact our office at: 707-255-1836.


Napa County Landmarks maintains a commitment to nurturing and empowering a new wave of dedicated individuals passionate about preserving our architectural heritage. Since 2019, Landmarks has awarded $46,000 to 46 aspiring students from nine high schools in Napa County and Napa Valley College.


As a member of Napa County Landmarks, you’re not just supporting our history – you’re living it. Dive into a world of exclusive perks and special experiences that bring the vibrant past of Napa County right to your doorstep. Your support helps us advocate for the protection of our many unique historic resources, educate our community on regulations and tax incentive programs, and continues to help preserve significant architectural and cultural heritage throughout Napa County.